Seven Stones is actively working to fulfill the 'Calls to Action' from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report. Some of our work includes:
- celebrating the strengths of our community through our annual Community Heroes calendar. Click Here and and Here and Here and Here and Here for stories.
- flying the Treaty 4 flag and focusing on honoring our community.
- Honoring the Parents ceremony, talking circles, Hopes and Dreams conference, TRC inter-agency outreach
- creating a community feeling to everyday learning opportunities and engagement.
- Grand opening of a new building in North Central with a community focus Click Here and Here and Here and Here
- schooling by design that increases hands on learning and traditional teachings - ie. the tobacco project, Feast and Round dance
- Circle of Courage philosophy
- Orange Shirt Day
- National Aboriginal Day
- Cultural Arts Programming and Heritage language instruction - Cree, Indigenous Studies, Mechif
- Elder in residence
- Cultural extra curricular programming - fiddle, jigging, drum circles, beading etc.
- Frequent family days
- Kokum group
- partnerships with community agencies such as NCCA, Family Centre and Albert Library