We are a 'Reading School'
We aim to celebrate reading in all ways and embed literacy practices into play, exploration, inquiry, numeracy and balanced literacy programming. We promote reading with monthly awards, celebration assemblies, take home books, family engagement, high expectations and rewarding challenges.
Our literacy goals are to achieve school readiness by the end of Kindergarten and grade level readers by the end of grade 3. We also aim to improve comprehension to grade level standard in grades 4-8. Moreover we believe that reading is joyful and that reading has meaning. These beliefs guide our practice at Seven Stones.
Seven Stones Proudly offers 2 amazing Summer Success Reading Camps through the generous support of the United Way.
The camps support summer reading for Pre K - Grade 2 students in our school and are run by our teachers at Seven Stones. Please click on the below links to watch videos of these amazing camps in action.
Summer Success Camp Video 1 Summer Success Camp Video 2